Phonak Virto P-10 NW 0 In-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Learn about the features of your Phonak Virto P-10 NW 0 (Non-Wireless) in-the-ear hearing aids and find compatible accessories and spare parts:

Streaming TV Audio

Wireless Neckloop

Use a wireless neckloop on the loop (‘T’) programme to connect to your TV if you have a telecoil.

Streaming Home Telephone Conversations

T-Compatible Telephone

Streaming Calls and Media from Your Mobile Phone

Bluetooth Loop: Use a Bluetooth loop to connect your hearing aids to your phone and effortlessly stream calls and media.

For Improving Conversations in Noisy Environments

Phonak Remote Microphone


For Online Meetings and Gaming

Roger On with Roger Neckloop: For online meetings and gaming, if your hearing aids have a telecoil, you can connect using the Roger On in headset mode with a Roger NeckLoop for improved audio quality.

Cleaning your ITE aids properly will help their performance and longevity.

To do that, use a soft brush or cleaning tool to gently remove any debris from the microphone ports, vent openings, and sound outlet. Regularly replace wax guards to prevent blockages that could decrease sound quality. Be careful not to push debris further into the device.

Store your hearing aids in a dry, clean case when not in use, and consider investing in a drying box to protect them from moisture.

  • Hearing Loss Type: Mild to Severe
  • Wax Guards: CeruStop Wax Guards
  • Battery Size: Size 10 (yellow)
  • Loop programme/Telecoil: Optional – telecoil may be included when the hearing aid is purchased, please confirm with your provider.

CeruStop Wax Guards

Battery Size 10 (yellow)
