Thanks for choosing Phonak Audeo Infinio. Just one more step: please select your specific Audeo Infinio model from the options below so we can recommend the spare parts and accessories compatible with your hearing aids:
Each model comes with unique features and compatibility options. By selecting your model, you’ll gain access to tailored recommendations for cleaning tools, replacement parts, and accessories to help you enjoy optimal performance.
How to Identify the Model of Your Phonak Hearing Aid?
Phonak hearing aids usually have the model name printed or engraved on the device. Typically, the model information can be found on the outer casing or under the battery compartment for Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids, and on the faceplate/under the battery door for In-the-Ear (ITE) models.
Phonak models often include numbers that indicate performance levels (30: Essential, 50: Standard, 70: Advanced, and 90: Premium). These represent the range of features available in the hearing aid’s software. For selecting your accessories and spares, however, you can focus on the model’s name without worrying about these numbers.