Desiccant Dry-Brik II


2 in stock

The Dry Brik is an accessory for use in all the “Dry and Store” and Zephyr hearing aid dry box products that use heat and moving air to remove moisture from hearing aids. This process is designed to ensure that hearing aids last longer and work more efficiently.

Brand : Dry Brik

This Item Includes : 3 x Dry Brik



The Dry Brik is an excellent way to ensure your hearing aids are kept dry, moisture-free and last for longer.

How to use:

This handy Dry Brik has three main functions:

  • to remove the moisture released during the drying process
  • to reduce the relative humidity to a lower level to maximize the drying capability 
  • to capture any excess odor

Using warm air alone to remove moisture from your hearing device isn’t nearly as effective as using warm air and a Dry Brik. 

Moisture can return to your hearing aid devices once a warm air cycle is completed. However, with a Dry Brik, any moisture is captured completely. 

The Dry Brik has a shelf life of 12 months if unopened. It is highly recommended that it be stored in a cool, dry place once the foil seal is removed. The Dry Brik will expire after two months once opened, depending on the moisture content within the hearing device and humidity.

It can be disposed of in the normal household waste bin. When the desiccant is securely sealed within the plastic casing a new one can then be put into place.


The Dry Brik cannot be re-used even if dried in an oven. The casing of a Dry Brik is plastic and would melt under high temperatures.


Suitable for use with all Dry & Store and Zephyr hearing aid dry box products.

Product Dimensions (per Dry Brik):

Weight: 22.8g
Width: 4.1cm
Depth: 7.6cm
Height: 1.6cm

Additional information

Weight 96 g
Dimensions 15 × 2.5 × 20 cm