Are You A Musician Thinking About Music Ear Protection?

Are you a musician or Music lover? Then you need Music Ear Protection.

It’s never too early (or too late!) to learn to take care of the one set of ears you’ll ever have and our range of music ear protection will do just that.

Some people may have constant loud sound exposure for years and suffer no ill effects, and others have long-term damage after just one event. Yet there is no debate, that repeated exposure over time is destructive, and as such, every effort to mitigate this should be a priority for every musician. The good news is that even in the presence of damage, progression can be prevented by taking some immediate steps.

For too long, music lovers have been unwilling to compromise on music enjoyment to protect their ears from loud noise. The smart solution is to wear earplugs to parties, clubs, and festivals to protect your hearing but which should you choose?

To give you an overview of the different possibilities of hearing protection, we’ll introduce you to the differences and possibilities of standard and customized/fitted hearing protection


Different types of Music Ear Protection:

  1. Custom Filtered – These earplugs are designed to protect your ears from high sound levels. However, they maintain the on-stage sound, meaning you will also hear speech clearly. they are custom made especially for your ears, and come in three varying levels of attenuation; 9, 15, or 25dB filters. The custom design means that they are a perfect fit every time. We will need to take impressions of your ears at one of our clinics (Leicestershire, Northampton, Hinckley) we will then get these made for you, and ensure they fit perfectly. The molds also come in a variety of different colors listed on the drop-down menu. The filters on the plugs are also available in clear, beige, blue, red, and brown which can be discussed at the appointment.
  2. Alpine Thermoshape Earplugs – molds itself to the wearer’s ears because of their own body heat. This means the Earplugs are a perfect fit for the wearer’s ear canal and will always stay in place, which makes them very comfortable to wear. Alpine Music Safe Earplugs Classic contains two different and exchangeable sets of music filters. Both with outstanding sound characteristics with medium and high protection rates. These AlpineAcousticFilters guarantee optimal protection without loss of clarity, while at the same time you can perfectly enjoy the music. MusicSafe Classic earplugs with special music filters are an open system so that one has no feeling of isolation.
  3. Custom-made micro monitors – These custom molded earpieces provide exceptional sound quality with top-quality fit and comfort. The monitors help to eliminate feedback, lower onstage noise levels and reduce vocal fatigue. The micro monitors are available in 3 models, with 19 different color options and all models come with detachable cables with a 3.5mm jack plug available in 5 different colors. Please see below for further information. All micro monitors also offer approx. 25 dB of ambient noise reduction. You can also opt to add the sculptured cosmetic finish to your Micro Monitors. This gives a more discreet flush shape to the earpiece. and is available in 8 different skin tones.

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